Works in Progress and blogging


I have come to realise that I have a number of frustrations at the moment with my blog. That is not entirely fair – it is not a frustration with the blog, it is the frustration that I am not really able to share with you crafty projects in real time.

There are two perfectly good reasons. Many of the things I would like to show are contractually bound to be released by the publisher first, which is perfectly right. I try to be scrupulous about this. I sometimes remember to take ‘in progress’ photos for you to share months later, often I forget. Months later I can be trawling my photo archive and fine some quite nice images of a ‘mid-way’ point which would have been nice to share. But the moment has passed.


Secondly the dark nights and dark mornings, make it almost impossible for me to take great photos. I really do prefer to use my SLR camera, but in recent weeks there has been more and more of a temptation to be lazy and turn to the camera on the phone. I have one project that I have been really keen to share with you, but have singularly failed to take a good picture of it and I refuse to give up. I am not normally seasonally sensitive, but I am so keen to bring on the light!