That sort of cat…


Spring is in the air – hurrah! Today was the first day of getting out in the garden and what a pleasure it was. I raced home this morning and virtually leapt into my wellies. I have been eying up a a few tidying jobs and have been itching to get out there, in the dry, and make a start. It crossed my mind this morning, ‘Will Stanley be a gardening cat?’


Bernard was happy to pootle in the garden but didn’t really keep us company. In the house he was very sociable, always in the same room but not much of a lap cat. Stanley on the other hand enjoys a lap cuddle and is really very happy to help with the crochet. But when Stanley arrived in our family last autumn the garden jobs were winding down, the evenings began to draw in. We have no idea if he will be a good company garden cat.


Our neighbours say Stanley enjoys a spot of sunshine in their garden. This sounds promising. So while I pruned and dug, I waited to see if a familiar shadow would keep me company. I am happy to say that I think I might have a little furry garden pal. Today he patiently sat on the path to watch proceedings. I must remember of course that while we talk about it being ‘our’ garden, this is Stanley’s territory. He is the inspecting foreman, I am the labourer.