Fiery Red and the garden in August

Past the fulsome blooms of July, our garden settles down in August to be a mixture of bright greens and reds. This happened last year.

I am so glad I added to this colour scheme  with some pots of geraniums (pelargonium) on the terrace.

As the evenings have got darker we have also been able to dot the trees with pretty lanterns. This year I am determined that I need to add to the last summer colour and add some flowers which take us into autumn. In the new house I have failed to introduce sedums, they are pretty successful in this part of Britain, so are top of my list. I should have also added some Cosmos this year, so I will note that down for next year’s list.

Do you have any ideas of must have plants in your garden for autumn?

All these hot colours have been influencing my crochet work and I have been having a bit of fun with colour.

3 thoughts on “Fiery Red and the garden in August”

  1. I also have the “Handmade Glamping” book and I love it! The book is the reason why we bought a caravan 😉 Of course we thought about buying one for some time – but this book helped me to convince my husband that we “really” need a caravan! 🙂

  2. theresa lloyd

    I planted 2 boxes of wild flower seeds from lidls, and the results are amazing, the garden has never been so colourful or pretty!!

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