Making good lists

I respond well to lists – there must be some deep seated, school based reason – but lists work well for me. I am not obsessive. I can function without them. In fact most of the time I do function without them. But if I really need to get something done – a good list is ideal.

Just before going back to work after Christmas I made a very prosaic list – you know boring stuff like… put away clothes, put away Christmas decorations, clean fridge, book hair cut. How ridiculous – all these things were staring me in the face, but to really get them over the line – the physical list had to be made. I don’t know about you but there is something about a line going through the task which helps and I need to balance my tragic sense of achievement with an inner rebelliousness and procrastination. There is the nub.

This year I am not in the market for a New Years resolution – some years… Yes. Not this year. But a list seems like a good idea. But in addition to the practical ‘to-do’, I’m going to make a good list.

  • Laugh more
  • See more friends – actually do the arranging
  • Arrange a holiday
  • Hug my son – even if I have to surprise him
  • Hug Stanley the cat more
  • Go on a walk – weekly
  • Read more books
  • Design and dig the new bed in the garden

That’s enough to be going on with – those are life lists and to be fair if I managed all of these – and indeed more of these past the first few months of the year that would be excellent.

But what about the creative lists? Well yes, there will be one of those, but I am trying and aiming to not give myself too much ‘to-do’ on the old designing front. I have designed ALOT in the last year. You can see a correlation between my blogging activity and my designing/writing. When I am designing a lot then I go very quiet on this space. There is not enough time for both. But what am I thinking for the first few months? Well here is my mini-list:

  • Finally write up the dolls pattern (sorry Ida… I know you have been wanting it)
  • Work out which of the blanket designs in your head you want to do
  • Design 1 blanket in 2024
  • Actually TELL people about the books you have written
  • Publish some of your Christmas designs you have never published (they are stuck in a wardrobe)

So there you go that’s it – finally. We will stick to those too lists and any more is a bonus. Have you made a list this year? Or a resolution? Do you make a crafting list? I would be intrigued to find out – or do you find it annoying and does it cramp your creativity. Honestly I would like to add ‘blog more’ to my list but don’t just dare at the moment. We will just leave that there and make it a very, very secret aspiration.

Have a lovely weekend.

8 thoughts on “Making good lists”

  1. I do have a crafting list, in my head as the timing is flexible. I start each project depending on what I feel like… The to make list seems to grow more quickly than the done list…. such is life!

  2. I make lists also, they’re very similar to yours. And, like you, I find it also gives me a sense of satisfaction to “run a line” through an item that has been completed. The list of those “ have to” things or projects I want to crochet, knit or cross-stitch, also, keep me on track. I taught school for many years and I’ve always thought those lists were like the daily menu I posted for my students, an accommodation that worked for them and me. I enjoy your new letter and now will look forward to your blog.

    1. I love the idea that you have a long line of list adopters who you have passed this skill on to. What a wonderful legacy to have and what a great gift to give them

  3. I’m a huge fan of a list – but I also know that I can get overwhelmed by too much on the list (I have a bad habit of writing everything I’ve ever wanted to do on there), so I try to keep it to a few manageable things … and maybe add a couple on there that I’ve already done so I can cross them off straight away – but don’t tell anyone! 🙂 xx

    1. I love this – you are so right – this is the dream of success. 3 things that you know you will have done 🙂 x

  4. I make lists about lists haha, looking back on my diaries they are all full of lists I just can’t seem to help it. There’s something so satisfying about putting a tick against something on a list. I stopped making resolutions years ago, a good old manageable daily list is all you need.

    1. I totally agree Linda – a brilliant list is a thing of joy. Thank you for popping by

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